The Permaculture Band Wagon

Reading a few FB post and other interesting articals about sustainability & agriculture I came across the word “Permaculture” which is defined but not limited to; the development of agricultural ecosystems intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient.

I thought to myself, isn’t that what being a mindful, community spirited, seasonal noticing farmer is all about?

I compiled a list of links about Permaculture that I found in interesting;



New goat friend

We have a small herd of Dairy Goats here on the farm, and we  breed them back to a Boar buck to produce a light meat animal. I have always maintained I wouldn’t have any free loaders however this little fellow is just so precious. Introducing a little hand raised feral weather I got off a friend. He will stick around as another friend for the buck, which makes 3 in my boys club now (we already have a brown dairy weather to keep the buck company but he wasn’t interested in the leaves I was handing out for breakfast)


Hedge links

I love reading. Nothing is better than sitting in the sunny window/under a shady tree/snuggled under a doona reading a physical, paper book.

Unfortunately, one side effect of living so far out of town is the library is quite far away, so in the mean time I like to read articles from the internet.

Here a few pages I found to be informative, or had a wonderful writer on the key pad!

  • Spheres Of Light – An Australian pagan site, also brimming with Aussie goodness and Southern Hemisphere info
  • Walking the Hedge – a collection of blogs, some great – some not so great, but always something to read
  • Patheos – Blog Collection – another collection of interesting articles and blogs, always something different here
  • Hedge Witch Forest – a easy to follow description on many things such a moon phases and seasons



My country side

Another spectacular view from a local mountain top. Every day people tell me how its too cold here or its too hot, they would rather live closer to the city or on the coast  near the beach, and every time I go climb a mountain or sit by the river and think how lucky I am to be here, at this place, how beautiful it is and I would never want to be anywhere else ❤ Blessing no matter where you are or where you are going ❤DSC_2402.jpg

Camping under a full moon

We went camping this weekend, crammed into my little Terios armed with our 2 man tent. We camped in a nature reserve next to a large scrub forest. It really was wonderful. I tried to capture the wash of colours in the sunset and the spectacular full moon, however I only had my phone camera, so it will have to live in my memory.